Axiom 2027

Capturing the attractive yield on financial debt

Investment objective

The fund seeks to achieve a performance, net of fees, of more than 4% over an investment horizon starting on 29 December 2023 and ending on 31 December 2027. The fund is composed of of debt securities issued by private or public issuers with no average rating, duration or maturity constraints, which is intended to be held until the maturity date.


Axiom 2027 IC EUR

ISIN code : FR001400JNQ9
Dividend policy : Accumulation
Currency : EUR
Initial minimum subscription : 250 000 EUR
Legal form : FCP UCITS
Inception date : 06 November 2023
Benchmark : no
Management fees : 0.75%

Axiom 2027 NC EUR

ISIN code : FR001400JNS5
Dividend policy : Accumulation
Currency : EUR
Initial minimum subscription : no
Legal form : FCP UCITS
Inception date : 06 November 2023
Benchmark : no
Management fees : 0.75%

Axiom 2027 RC EUR

ISIN code : FR001400JNU1
Dividend policy : Accumulation
Currency : EUR
Initial minimum subscription : no
Legal form : FCP UCITS
Inception date : 06 November 2023
Benchmark : no
Management fees : 1.25%

Axiom 2027 SC EUR

ISIN code : FR001400MFY3
Dividend policy : Accumulation
Currency : EUR
Initial minimum subscription : 10 000 000 €
Legal form : FCP UCITS
Inception date : 18 December 2023
Benchmark : no
Management fees : 0.50%

Axiom 2027 ID EUR

ISIN code : FR001400JNR7
Dividend policy : Distribution
Currency : EUR
Initial minimum subscription : 250 000 EUR
Legal form : FCP UCITS
Inception date : 06 November 2023
Benchmark : no
Management fees : 0.75%

Axiom 2027 ND EUR

ISIN code : FR001400JNT3
Dividend policy : Distribution
Currency : EUR
Initial minimum subscription : no
Legal form : FCP UCITS
Inception date : 06 November 2023
Benchmark : no
Management fees : 0.75%

Axiom 2027 RD EUR

ISIN code : FR001400JNV9
Dividend policy : Distribution
Currency : EUR
Initial minimum subscription : no
Legal form : FCP UCITS
Inception date : 06 November 2023
Benchmark : no
Management fees : 1.25%

The information presented above is not contractually binding and does not constitute investment advice. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Management fees are included in performances. Investors may lose some or all of their capital, as the capital in the UCI is not guaranteed. Access to the products and services presented herein may be restricted for some individuals or countries. Taxation depends on the situation of the individual. The risks, fees and recommended investment period for the UCI presented are detailed in the KIIDs (key investor information documents) and prospectuses available on this website. The KIID must be made available to the subscriber prior to purchase.

Risk scale from 1 (lowest risk) to 7 (highest risk); risk 1 does not mean a risk-free investment. The risk category associated with this fund is not guaranteed and may change over time.